28 January 2007

Uncle John

Here's Uncle John carrying me. He is our daddy's sister's daughter's husband. He's going to have a baby in Aug 2007 soon! In short, we're going to have a(nother) far cousin soon to play with! Have you seen our daddy's sister's daughter (which is John's wife)? She's Auntie Melissa and she's very pretty! We'll post some of her pictures here if there's a good one taken with us. Just be patient!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

he is just so cute and chubby!!! cayden, if you ever see me rite... hide ur cheeks k? cause i'm gonna pinch ur chubby adorable cheeks :p hehe... you reali do have the ten's family nose... hehe... there was once a wise old lady who told me that my nose (also same like urs) brings gd luck... so never fret about it k? ;)